Sunday, March 21, 2010

Watching The Kids

So, I watched the kids today for about 6 hours or so, from 1:15 to about 7:30, and spent practically the whole day playing with them down at the park. So, here is how it went, I took the kids down to the park and they played, ran around, Lyle and Zoe played on the playground and for practically 4 hours, which was about how long we spent down at the park, Isis and I just swung on the swings, which I tried to teach Zoe to do it but she just wanted to be pushed, however Lyle actually started getting the hang of it until he decided to go chase some random kid around. Anyways, I had fun, I hadn't been on a swing since I was 10, my last year of normal school so I was glad to be able to swing on a swing again. I saw an old friend of mine there, a girl named Addy who I use to hang out with in Elementary school, ironically she is also the person who taught me to push myself on the swings (push out legs, pull back legs), though we didn't talk really or anything, just didn't feel right, I mean we haven't seen each other since I was 11, which was when she spent the night, for my 11th birthday she spent the night for a couple days, but I lost her number and we never saw each other after that, which was almost 3 years ago. Strangely she looked almost the same, except slightly taller and with a more feminine figure than before (I say feminine figure to be politically correct), but other than that her face and her voice were practically the same, which, while I am still recognizable, I still look far different than I use to, and I also sound completely different, as I use to have a very childish voice, whereas Addy's was always more mature. Well, it was nice to see her again, this is how I figure I can tell if anyone I use to know has died, which strangely no one has. I say strangely not because I expect them to die or anything, but with as many kids as I use to know I would think at least one would, with the amount of traffic accidents, or regular accidents, freak accidents, and such, and yet none have. Of course this is a good thing, since I have no one that I can truly say I wish was dead, and I never have really, although I use to tell people when I got mad at them that I wished that they were dead, I never really meant it. Anyways, I had a very good day, and am very happy with how me and the kids spent it, maybe we can do it again next week, that is, if I watch them.

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